
Saturday, 4 October 2014

see more pictures from Silent Storm..and

look forward to our full reviews from the premiere at the BFI SOON!!

with articles , pictures and a round of reports from the Ladies behind Silent Storm
see a roundup made from Ladies for Ladies:-))

source daily mail
Hot new actor Ross Anderson got punched right into stardom by Damian Lewis.
Anderson and Lewis (who won awards for his performance as Nicholas Brody in Homeland) are love rivals in new movie Silent Storm, and they fight ferociously over Andrea Rise- borough, who plays Lewis's wife.
Both actors felt it was important that the fight scene looked as convincing — and brutal — as possible.

'I said to Damian: 'If you want to hit me, then just hit me,' Anderson said, as he explained how he gave Lewis carte blanche to wallop him.
'It had to be impassioned, so I said 'Go for it'. And Damian did,' Anderson told me.
'I remember thinking: 'What's that big bruise down my side?' And then I remembered that Damian and I had spent the previous day fighting each other.
'I remember being thrown into a tree pretty hard, and my head and body ricocheted into a trunk. I thought: 'This is severely painful, but I bet it looks great!'
Anderson joked that at least he had plenty of meat on him to take the blows.

source daily mail

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