
Friday, 24 April 2015

Emmas turn....Every Breath you Take................

Ever watched the intense acting that Damian does and seen one major similarity with a lot of his characters?  The heavy breathing, the way his deep breath and low breathing takes over in a scene and watch the way his nostrils flare as the anger gets more intense

Lets take a closer look into the Characters in question.

The Forsythe Sage - Soames Forsthye the master of the heavy breath, as soames was filled with anger the more and more cross he got the heavier the breathing and the anger in his eyes showed.

Homeland Brody - Ah Sergent Nicholas Brody, this Character was angry many times, there were scenes when he was arguing with Jessica his wife, being blackmailed by the reporter Aroya Hamad where he was so cross, scenes with him and Carrie, the horrible death scene of Walden and oh so many more

Keane, the breathing and deep breaths in Keane were less of anger and more of worry and confusion, when William Keane was frustrated and lets face it, that was a lot during the film his breath would quicken up but the anger that usually showed in his eyes was that of sadness

Life, Charlie Crews, the wonderful charming and extremely handsome Charlie Crews, in Life we did not see Charlie angry very much, this is surprising for a man who has been locked away in prison for 12 years wrongly accused of killing a family, but in some episodes nearer the end of season two, we do see the anger arise in this character and the quick breathing and angry eyes make an appearance.

Silent Storm - Not yet hit the big screen, but bought by Sony recently, The Silent Storm shows Damian Lewis play a minister called Balor, who lives alone with his wife on a deserted Island in Scotland. Balor is an angry man, his character is one that you would not want to get on the wrong side of, his deep breathing pattern is used throughout most of the dialogue as he is a violent and angry character. 

Wolf Hall - Henry the eighth, I have left the best till last!  Henry, there were several episodes throughout this 6 week BBC Tale of Henry and Cromwell, that actually scared the hell out of me, the one scene where nostrils flares, blue eyes raged and breathing was uncontrollable was when Henry was shouting at Thomas Cromwell and Cromwell lifted up his arms in a cross and basically walked away from the King - Wow that is one brave brave man......

There are many many other Characters which also take on the similar breathing pattern but I have chosen my top 6 most scary and memorable.  Wonder if Bobby in Billions will have any angry moments! we look forward to finding out

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