
Monday, 6 July 2015

Emma is back...and talks:-)

So after a year of back pain I finally went into hospital on Friday to have a Microdisectomy.  The lead up to the operation was a fun few weeks – and the highlight of the whole week prior was being invited into the green room at the end of American Buffalo with my partner in crime Sabrina.  It was an absolute honour to meet Damian after doing so much work on the site and blog and great to have some time to talk to him and have some photos taken too – he introduced us to his friend before going out for dinner for a friend’s birthday that night.  I think Damian may be the one person who I did not tell about the agony of my back! However my dear faithful friend Sabrina has never actually seen me in no pain…..

My day began early on Friday when I had to get to hospital for 7am, I was quickly admitted and taken to theatre in some fetching DVT socks by 8am, and all I recall is the anethatist saying to me as my eyes began to get drowsy you can have a long sleep what are you going to dream about – and was surprised that my reply was anything with Damain Lewis in it!!!!! (won’t be telling the husband that LOL)

However I would like to personally thank Damian, for making such great things for me to watch during my recovery, I have spent a lot of time getting to know old friends, such as Charlie, Brody, Will and looking forward to seeing my good friend Soams next week! He is making my recovery so much more bareable even when you are dosed up on pain killers!

 get well soon Darling and keep the socks:-)

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