
Wednesday, 25 November 2015

What if Charlie..........

One of my most favourite Characters that Damian has played is Charlie Crews in the great TV Show Life....  I discovered Life after I had watched homeland - Before Homeland I have to admit I didn't really know anything that Damian had been in - after Homeland I googled Damian just to see what else he had been in, and came across this LIFE - so I got my husband on the case to find it so we could  watch it as soon as Homeland season 2 had finished.  Taking in mind I was used to Nicholas Brody, a character who even at the end of season two we still were not sure where we were with him!! Did he didn't he? I had spent weeks getting to know this wonderful character who was scary, dangerous and also ever so sexy! and I had to get a new fix and boy did 

Life - when we hear the word life what does it make us think? Life as we know it? a new life? or a Life sentence.... Life is about exactly that - Charlie Crews is sentenced to life in prison only to be found not guilty and be given his life back to live - But What if Charlie was not found guilty at all?  What if he had not been put in prison wrongly accused of murder and he just carried on as a LA cop?

Well for one he would not have been Detective Crews, and if he was it would have taken him a while to be made up to that level, he would not have split from his wife Jennifer, maybe he would even have a family of his own, he would still be a part bar owner with his friend who was murdered, and of course he would not have got to work with Dani Rees.  I loved the series life, I loved the character that Damian played, he was kind, caring and loyal I think everyone needs a Charlie Crews in their life!

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