Friday 8 May 2015

Sabrina thinks...

to admire someone is a bit like studying...

for me Damian Lewis means to get re-intouch with a language,meet great people
and reading more books and seing good films and tv shows....

I am more curious ever since.Damian broaden my mind,travel to see him on stage or sitting nail biting at times talks or in a preview..and waiting for the first time in my life two hours ahead
in queue..well actualy I was the one who created an own queue at times talks because there were no
advanced seats.I missed that experience as a teenager:-)
Damian Lewis and his work touches and provoke it makes you thinking different and I agree with him 
actors can be a glue to society.
I feel that way.actors might not doctors or lawyers but they play an important part in our lifes and if they are good they bring us new perspectives.

Damian Lewis makes me happy and keeps my mind busy...I love it:-)
and now I am again getting ready for a new trip to see him and my Darling Emma and I am nervous and happy and it still feels like the first time :-)

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